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Explore -> Discovery etc. - Show only Guest uploads


Phoenix Foto Service
đź’ˇDescribe your Feature request


How about displaying only the images uploaded by guests in the mentioned areas?
In the settings under "/dashboard/settings" ....

Screenshot 2023-03-23 172323.png
... you could add another field for it to give a choice between
  • guest uploads
  • member uploads
  • all uploads (with links).

A similar function already exists if you run the website in private mode instead of public mode, but you have to have an account and guests can't use the Explore function anymore.

đź‘ŹWhere did you saw this?

I just had the thought.

🔥Interest outside our community

That will turn out...
Let's see how many people register interest here.
This is a pretty good suggestion tbh. I'd personally like to show member uploads to look better. Guest wise would make me think the site doesn't have many members, maybe it's terrible and just the odd guest uploads occasionally? I could see why some people might just want to promote clean SFW content though.
I just disabled guest uploads for this reason; I woke up to a few sexual exploitation images uploaded to my server. I need to go through and see if I've missed any other guest uploads and if so, make sure they're not as horrendous.
I just disabled guest uploads for this reason; I woke up to a few sexual exploitation images uploaded to my server. I need to go through and see if I've missed any other guest uploads and if so, make sure they're not as horrendous.

Guest listings need to be handled with care and to display only guest images listing we are asking to get our websites flooded with unwanted content. I believe that this RFC should apply to admin users only as a way to moderate content.