Chevereto Member
hello, please see the current error on my site " http://prntscr.com/hv27do " even there is no album nor images then also showing on the profile.
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Hello @Rodolfo, actually I have login access to that account and that account is an admin account. there is no public nor private content nor a single public or private folder. I uploaded the images to that account which were public then I was trying to delete the folder after few seconds i got an update that contents have been deleted but when I refresh the page this happened. Can i share the login access to you by private message of that account?I'm afraid that due to filters that content isn't visible. The count doesn't consider private content and I thought that it will be expensive to add that live count. The solution should be to have 2 additional counters for private content.
In any case, I think that this should be skipped for now.