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Error INstalling Blank Page

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Chevereto Member
Here is what I get in my log

[06-Apr-2014 14:16:14 America/Detroit] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'tting' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ';' in /home/imgbliss/public_html/app/install/template/ready.php on line 24
[06-Apr-2014 14:16:17 America/Detroit] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'tting' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ';' in /home/imgbliss/public_html/app/install/template/ready.php on line 24
Sorry, It seems that the file has issues. I must fix it in a new release.

Most likely I will release 3.0.1 on April 8.
Yes I mean I will post a hotfix tonight, the "release" will be at April 8.

Tried that didn't work. I have all this.

[06-Apr-2014 16:39:11 America/Detroit] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'tting' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ';' in /home/imgbliss/public_html/app/install/template/ready.php on line 24
[06-Apr-2014 16:41:27 America/Detroit] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'tting' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ';' in /home/imgbliss/public_html/app/install/template/ready.php on line 24
[06-Apr-2014 17:06:01 America/Detroit] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'tting' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ';' in /home/imgbliss/public_html/app/install/template/ready.php on line 24
[06-Apr-2014 17:06:05 America/Detroit] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'tting' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ';' in /home/imgbliss/public_html/app/install/template/ready.php on line 24
Try this code for that file:

<?php if(!defined('access') or !access) die('This file cannot be directly accessed.'); ?>

<h1>Ready to install</h1>
<p>The system is connected to your database and the <code>app/settings.php</code> file contains this connection info. Don't change the contents of this file unless you also change your database connection info.</p>
<p>On submit this process will install the Chevereto database tables and it will set some default settings that you can change later.</p>
<p>To proceed with the installation please fill this form with the details of the initial admin account that you want to use. This account can be edited later.</p>
<?php if($error) { ?>
<p class="highlight padding-10"><?php echo $error_message; ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<form method="post" class="c9">
    <div class="input-label">
        <label for="username">Admin username</label>
        <input type="text" name="username" id="username" class="text-input" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : 'admin'; ?>" placeholder="Admin username" rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="right" pattern="<?php echo CHV\get_chv_setting('username_pattern'); ?>" rel="tooltip" title='<?php echo strtr('%i to %f characters<br>Letters, numbers and "_"', ['%i' => CHV\get_chv_setting('username_min_length'), '%f' => CHV\get_chv_setting('username_max_length')]); ?>' maxlength="<?php echo CHV\get_chv_setting('username_max_length'); ?>" required>
        <span class="input-warning red-warning"><?php echo $input_errors['username']; ?></span>
    <div class="input-label">
        <label for="email">Admin email</label>
        <input type="email" name="email" id="email" class="text-input" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : ''; ?>" placeholder="Admin email" title="Valid email address for your admin account" rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="right" required>
        <span class="input-warning red-warning"><?php echo $input_errors['email']; ?></span>
    <div class="input-label input-password">
        <label for="password">Admin password</label>
        <input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="text-input" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; ?>" placeholder="Admin password" title="Password to login" pattern="<?php echo CHV\get_chv_setting('user_password_pattern'); ?>" rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="right" required>
        <div class="input-password-strength"><span style="width: 0%" data-content="password-meter-bar"></span></div>
        <span class="input-warning red-warning" data-text="password-meter-message"><?php echo $input_errors['password']; ?></span>
        if($is_2X) {
    <div class="input-label">
        <label for="crypt_salt">__CHV_CRYPT_SALT__</label>
        <input type="crypt_salt" name="crypt_salt" id="crypt_salt" class="text-input" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['crypt_salt']) ? $_POST['crypt_salt'] : ''; ?>" placeholder="Example: changeme" title="As defined in includes/definitions.php" rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="right" required>
        <span class="input-below highlight">Value from define("__CHV_CRYPT_SALT__", "changeme");</span>
        <span class="input-warning red-warning"><?php echo $input_errors['crypt_salt']; ?></span>
    <div class="btn-container margin-bottom-0">
        <button class="btn btn-input default" type="submit">Install Chevereto</button>
Try this code for that file:

<?php if(!defined('access') or !access) die('This file cannot be directly accessed.'); ?>

<h1>Ready to install</h1>
<p>The system is connected to your database and the <code>app/settings.php</code> file contains this connection info. Don't change the contents of this file unless you also change your database connection info.</p>
<p>On submit this process will install the Chevereto database tables and it will set some default settings that you can change later.</p>
<p>To proceed with the installation please fill this form with the details of the initial admin account that you want to use. This account can be edited later.</p>
<?php if($error) { ?>
<p class="highlight padding-10"><?php echo $error_message; ?></p>
<?php } ?>
<form method="post" class="c9">
    <div class="input-label">
        <label for="username">Admin username</label>
        <input type="text" name="username" id="username" class="text-input" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : 'admin'; ?>" placeholder="Admin username" rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="right" pattern="<?php echo CHV\get_chv_setting('username_pattern'); ?>" rel="tooltip" title='<?php echo strtr('%i to %f characters<br>Letters, numbers and "_"', ['%i' => CHV\get_chv_setting('username_min_length'), '%f' => CHV\get_chv_setting('username_max_length')]); ?>' maxlength="<?php echo CHV\get_chv_setting('username_max_length'); ?>" required>
        <span class="input-warning red-warning"><?php echo $input_errors['username']; ?></span>
    <div class="input-label">
        <label for="email">Admin email</label>
        <input type="email" name="email" id="email" class="text-input" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : ''; ?>" placeholder="Admin email" title="Valid email address for your admin account" rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="right" required>
        <span class="input-warning red-warning"><?php echo $input_errors['email']; ?></span>
    <div class="input-label input-password">
        <label for="password">Admin password</label>
        <input type="password" name="password" id="password" class="text-input" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['password']) ? $_POST['password'] : ''; ?>" placeholder="Admin password" title="Password to login" pattern="<?php echo CHV\get_chv_setting('user_password_pattern'); ?>" rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="right" required>
        <div class="input-password-strength"><span style="width: 0%" data-content="password-meter-bar"></span></div>
        <span class="input-warning red-warning" data-text="password-meter-message"><?php echo $input_errors['password']; ?></span>
        if($is_2X) {
    <div class="input-label">
        <label for="crypt_salt">__CHV_CRYPT_SALT__</label>
        <input type="crypt_salt" name="crypt_salt" id="crypt_salt" class="text-input" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['crypt_salt']) ? $_POST['crypt_salt'] : ''; ?>" placeholder="Example: changeme" title="As defined in includes/definitions.php" rel="tooltip" data-tipTip="right" required>
        <span class="input-below highlight">Value from define("__CHV_CRYPT_SALT__", "changeme");</span>
        <span class="input-warning red-warning"><?php echo $input_errors['crypt_salt']; ?></span>
    <div class="btn-container margin-bottom-0">
        <button class="btn btn-input default" type="submit">Install Chevereto</button>

That worked to bypass the first installation steps but now I can't move past this because their is no button to submit the information. Even when I fill it all out I can't go anywhere.

Ok, you should wait for the new release then and when posting pics use the forum attachments.
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