• Welcome to the Chevereto user community!

    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

    • 😌 This community is user driven. Be polite with other users.
    • 👉 Is required to purchase a Chevereto license to participate in this community (doesn't apply to Pre-sales).
    • 💸 Purchase a Pro Subscription to get access to active software support and faster ticket response times.

English FAQ


Chevereto Noob
English FAQ
This is just a collection most commonly ask question I found on this forum.

Q: Does Chevereto support multiple image uploading?
A: No, it does not.

Q: Is Chevereto going to support multiple image uploading?
A: It is not on the planing as of right now.

Q: How do I install Chevereto?
A: just get the zip from the site , extract the upload folder and upload it to your site.

Common Errors and fixes

Q: I get this error: Critital error: Invalid $PATH_SERVER, edit it manually in config.php What do i do?
A: First try putting in "/" If that does not work try putting in /public_html or what the path is ni your FTP program.

Q: I get the error Invalid file type, allowed JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP or Critital error: Chevereto can't upload files. Please enable FTP mode in config.php
A: Make sure your working and image directory are chmoded to 777.

Q: Remote upload doesn't seem to work..
A: Make sure Curl is installed and active on your server. If it's not ask your host.

Q: I get this error: Critital error: Invalid $DOM_SCRIPT, edit it manually in config.php What do i do?
A: This usaly means you are running Chevereto on a local server. Here there are 2 thing you can do:
  • Upload you Chevereto installation to a working server.[/*]
  • Use a hack to get it working locally. This should not be used if you are using it on a production server because the check is there for you safety.[/*]
gamerlv said:
it is because it tries to look up in the dns if there's and address for or in case you use localhost it tries to lookup the ip for localhost. Now since this isn't in any dns system anywhere it returns an error.
To fix this (only when you run it on your server locally) just comment out the lines 59 till 63 in engine.php. Just remember to uncomment it again when moving to a production server.
You can also modify it so it checks if your on a local server but that's easy and if you know php you can do that your self.
Either way will make it run on a wamp/xampp server.

(Sligthy modified for the FAQ)

Note: Some people seem to mistaken how to fill in the variable $DOM_SCRIPT.
This is correct:
$DOM_SCRIPT = 'example.com'; // --> yoursite.com
And this is wrong:
$DOM_SCRIPT = $_SERVER['example.com']; // --> yoursite.com

Q: The page doesn't get rendered right, Why is that?
A: If you see <? some text ?> every where on the page it means that php shorthand isn't enabled on your server.
For a wamp server: WAMP icon -> php -> php settings -> Short open tag.
For any other server:
  • open php.ini[/*]
  • Find short_open_tag[/*]
  • Change off to on[/*]

If there are any comment or things I forgot please tell and i will add them.