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Embed.tpl - removing options from the array doesn't apply


Chevereto Member
How do I exactly remove option from the embed.tpl? I've tried to comment out the "html_codes" section of the outer array ($embed_tpl), but the image page still shows all embed options. I've tried to restart the browser (Firefox, Chrome and Safari) and deleted the cache in all of them, but it didn't change anything.
$embed_tpl = [
        'links' => [
                'label' => _s('Links'),
                'options' => [
                        'viewer-links' => [
                                'label'         => _s('Viewer links'),
                                'template'      => '%URL_VIEWER%',
                                'size'          => 'viewer'

                        'direct-links'  => [
                                'label'         => _s('Direct links'),
                                'template'      => '%URL%',
                                'size'          => 'full'
        /*'html-codes' => [
                'label' => _s('HTML Codes'),
                'options' => [
                        'html-embed'    => [
                                'label'         => _s('HTML embed'),
                                'template'      => '<img src="%URL%" border="0">',
                                'size'          => 'full'
                        'html-embed-original'   => [
                                'label'         => _s('HTML original linked'),
                                'template'      => '<a href="%URL_VIEWER%"><img src="%URL%" border="0"></a>',
                                'size'          => 'full'
                        'html-embed-medium'             => [
                                'label'         => _s('HTML medium linked'),
                                'template'      => '<a href="%URL_VIEWER%"><img src="%MEDIUM_URL%" border="0"></a>',
                                'size'          => 'medium'
                        'html-embed-thumbnail'  => [
                                'label'         => _s('HTML thumbnail linked'),
                                'template'      => '<a href="%URL_VIEWER%"><img src="%THUMB_URL%" border="0"></a>',
                                'size'          => 'thumb'
        'bbcodes' => [
                'label' => _s('BBCodes'),
                'options' => [
                        'bbcode-embed'  => [
                                'label'         => _s('BBCode embed'),
                                'template'      => '[img]%URL%[/img]',
                                'size'          => 'full'
                        'bbcode-embed-original' => [
                                'label'         => _s('BBCode original linked'),
                                'template'      => '[url=%URL_VIEWER%][img]%URL%[/img][/url]',
                                'size'          => 'full'
                        'bbcode-embed-medium'   => [
                                'label'         => _s('BBCode medium linked'),
                                'template'      => '[url=%URL_VIEWER%][img]%MEDIUM_URL%[/img][/url]',
                                'size'          => 'medium'
                        'bbcode-embed-thumbnail' => [
                                'label'         => _s('BBCode thumbnail linked'),
                                'template'      => '[url=%URL_VIEWER%][img]%THUMB_URL%[/img][/url]',
                                'size'          => 'thumb'

The code is correct and it works in my localhost. Are you sure that you uploaded the file and that you are editing the current theme that you are using?
Yes, I'm editing via vi directly on the server. I've added an "echo "embedded debug";" to embed_tpl.php and it's correctly showing up.
The code is correct I'm not getting right why is failing for you. As you mentioned you cleared the cache and everything. Are you using Cloudflare or something like that?

Sorry to revive old threads but this is happening to me as well. I have the same code and all. Not really sure why it doesn't work.

Check server side cache. If enabled, try flushing the cache.
embed.tpl controls the dynamic embed codes (uploader, selection, etc.). If you want to remove /image embed codes you need to edit app/themes/Peafowl/views/image.php