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Direct Links Into Viewer links

From the Chevereto Documentation

Returns the image thumb as HTML tag, like <img src="" border="0" />. If $arg = true (default) the code will generate a link to the full image url, $arg = false will use the viewer instead. show_thumb_html() echoes this function.

Returns the thumb + img link as BB-Code. If $arg = true (default) the code will generate a link to the full image url, $arg = false will use the viewer instead. show_thumb_bbcode() echoes this function.

You can use this and other template tags to tweak the view.php template file.

If you want to disable all the direct links you must manually edit one by one the JS calls or override the class.upload.php and class.handler.php classes.

Current script doesn't have a "direct/viewer" switcher.