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Delete album - missing "if" statement in album.php

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💖 Chevereto Fan
This applies to versions 3.10.2 to 3.10.5

When viewing the content within an album I've noticed that the red "Delete album" link (at the top of the page) still appears even if the "Enable user content delete" option is set to disabled.


This seems to happen because there appears to be an if statement missing from album.php

Basically, in views/album.php from line 29

                    if(is_owner() or is_admin()) {
                <div class="breadcrum-item">
                    <a class="edit-link" data-modal="edit"><span class="icon-edit"></span><span><?php _se('Edit album details'); ?></span></a>
                <div class="breadcrum-item">
                    <a class="delete-link" data-confirm="<?php _se("Do you really want to delete this album and all of its images? This can't be undone."); ?>" data-submit-fn="CHV.fn.submit_resource_delete" data-ajax-deferred="CHV.fn.complete_resource_delete" data-ajax-url="<?php echo G\get_base_url("json"); ?>"><?php _se('Delete album'); ?></a>

Should probably be something like:

					if(is_owner() or is_admin()) {
				<div class="breadcrum-item">
					<a class="edit-link" data-modal="edit"><span class="icon-edit"></span><span><?php _se('Edit album details'); ?></span></a>
						if(is_allowed_to_delete_content()) {
				<div class="breadcrum-item">
					<a class="delete-link" data-confirm="<?php _se("Do you really want to delete this album and all of its images? This can't be undone."); ?>" data-submit-fn="CHV.fn.submit_resource_delete" data-ajax-deferred="CHV.fn.complete_resource_delete" data-ajax-url="<?php echo G\get_base_url("json"); ?>"><?php _se('Delete album'); ?></a>

The corresponding image.php file and the relevant tpl files all seem fine.
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