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Cross-platform Chevereto mobile application


👑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Describe your feature request

Pretty much the same argument for the desktop application RFC but for mobile. Need to determine what gets more traction.

Where did you see this?

There are mobile applications everywhere but Chevereto has none. Is about time.

Community interest

I’m not sure, what does everyone think? 😉
Honestly, I think finding clean ways to integrate into the mobile platform's existing imaging libraries would be the sweet spot...

I was actually looking into apple's guidance for this for this purpose .... this might be a not horrible place to start? I searched the innerwebs for 'opensource ios image upload share photos' (an various variants) but didn't find a great example for this.

Note the "cross-platform" attribute of my RFC. It means a single codebase, not a codebase for each platform. This means the usage of a layer on top of the native system API to provide applications for iOS and Android.