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Couple of questions


1. You can set the content to public, private (self) and private (anyone with the link). There's no password protection at this time.
2. I don't understand what you mean.
3. No, the root /xyz is reserved for usernames.
4. An API with that is planned for future releases.

Thank you for the quick answer.

1.) Is there any possibility of pictures a password to provide or does come in soon, maybe one of your updates?
2.) All the pictures are marked with a short con like: http://domain.xx/abc ...
You can change this into at least 5 signs as well as: http://domain.xx/a7Gi8 they are all mixed?
3.) But you know the users, too up: http://domain.xx/user/"USERNAME" lead?

1. Actually that was in the original drafts of the 3.0 development but it was dropped. I don't think that we should expect that feature anytime soon.
2. The system is sequential, it starts with short combinations when you have few images. It works like that, the privacy is in the privacy layer not in the URL.
3. Yes, you can have /user/username but that doesn't means that the root path is free to use if for images.