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Copyright ?




J'éspère qu'un membre de l'equipe Chevereto est français, voici ma question:

Je voudrais savoir si il était possible de retirer le copyright (pour y mettre uniquement le sien)
et d'ajouter le Copyright Chevereto dans les partenaires du site.

Welcome on this forum.
I hope you can read English because i can not write France.
Seeing other sites and no real "Don't remove my copyright link" text anywhere i think it is allowed to remove the credits but i would leave the generator meta tag in place as tribute to the work that has gotten it to this.
Who said it is okay to remove copyrights?
If you look deeper within this forum, you will see that the copyright ARE NOT ALLOWED to be removed without permission.
clafy said:
Who said it is okay to remove copyrights?
If you look deeper within this forum, you will see that the copyright ARE NOT ALLOWED to be removed without permission.


1) Chevereto is a free (libre) open source script under the GPL v2

2) This agreement doesn't include the scripts mentioned in
the third_party.txt file.

3) You cand do anything you want with the source code, but you
have to keep the GPL license and this terms. Any derivated work
must keep the terms in license.txt and license_agreement.txt.

4) You can't sell Chevereto or any modified version. You can't
sell the distribution of Chevereto or ANY modified versions.

5) The image and logos are under a CC license:
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
-> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/deed.en

6) It's understood that you agree to these terms
regardless of whether you know them.


1) Chevereto se ampara bajo una licencia GPL v2 (licence.txt) y es
un script codigo abierto gratuito.

2) Este acuerdo solo afecta a chevereto y no a los scripts enunciados
en el archivo third_party.txt

3) Puedes realizar todo lo que quieras con el codigo fuente de
Chevereto, pero debes conservar la licencia GPL y los terminos que
aqui se establecen. Cualquier trabajo derivado debe conservar los
terminos de licence.txt y de licence_agreement.txt.

4) No puedes vender Chevereto ni tampoco ninguna version modificada.
No puedes cobrar por la distribucion de Chevereto o versiones
modificadas de Chevereto.

5) La imagen y logos entregados en esta release estan bajo una
licencia CC Atribución-No Comercial-Licenciar Igual 3.0 Unported
-> http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/deed.es_CL

6) Se entiende que estas de acuerdo con todos estos terminos
sin importar si los desconoce.
I withdrew it but I added clear partners chevereto dans, it is good you believe?

Sorry for bad english