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Converting from CF image host


Chevereto Noob
Hi, I have an image host that is using CFimagehost, it has 2,000+ images that I don't want to loose. ( A lot of people hotlink etc; ) - Is there a way to convert from CF to Chevereto without loosing these images or their URLs?
Well, if you want to populate those files in the db you need to fool the chevereto upload script to handle those images like Chevereto 1.X ones. You fool the system making it think that CF is Chevereto 1.X

Then, you need to keep the old /di- files, for that simple use an htaccess rule to Chevereto.

RewriteRule ^di-(.*)?$ images/$1 [L]
Just below RewriteRule ^api$ api.php [L]

Note that in Chevereto 2.X the old images are in /images/old so the rule should point to there. But basically is not a migration is just fool the system.
