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Chevereto v4 memory limit differences


Chevereto Member
Dear Community,

I would like to ask a question about memory limit, and how to solve this issue. I've read all topics related, and I didn't find the answer/solution for my problem.

My Chevereto runs on a VPS managed by myself (host: Contabo, memory: 6GB, OS: Ubuntu 22.04, hosting software: CyberPanel). I have set the memory_limit first to 2048MB, now it's 4096MB for my website, but in the Chevereto Dashboard it shows the Memory limit as 512MB.

If I modify the upload max size / post max size in php configs, it changes immediately on the Chevereto Dashboard to the value I set, but the memory limit remains the same. I would like to ask if you can give me a hand to solve this issue?

If there is any more information required, please let me know.

Thank you in advance!
Hi, i tried install chevereto 4.2.5 on vps without docker. and have same issue. i change on php.ini reboot server. but limit on dashboard 512mb
Dear Community,

I would like to ask a question about memory limit, and how to solve this issue. I've read all topics related, and I didn't find the answer/solution for my problem.

My Chevereto runs on a VPS managed by myself (host: Contabo, memory: 6GB, OS: Ubuntu 22.04, hosting software: CyberPanel). I have set the memory_limit first to 2048MB, now it's 4096MB for my website, but in the Chevereto Dashboard it shows the Memory limit as 512MB.

If I modify the upload max size / post max size in php configs, it changes immediately on the Chevereto Dashboard to the value I set, but the memory limit remains the same. I would like to ask if you can give me a hand to solve this issue?

If there is any more information required, please let me know.

Thank you in advance!
I found a way out, but I don't know if it's normal to do so. i add variable on /app env.php
@user_f4d05 A web server may parse several files for php.ini configuration, you can discover that at the Dashboard panel where you will see a section with all the ini files parsed by the PHP runtime. You can't simply edit a random file, it needs to be a file detected by that system.

i add variable on /app env.php
Chevereto enables to override settings directly, by doing this you avoid the need of modifying some ini file. The values it handles:

    $iniToChevereto = [
        'error_log' => 'CHEVERETO_ERROR_LOG',
        'max_execution_time' => 'CHEVERETO_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME_SECONDS',
        'memory_limit' => 'CHEVERETO_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE',
        'post_max_size' => 'CHEVERETO_MAX_POST_SIZE',
        'session.save_handler' => 'CHEVERETO_SESSION_SAVE_HANDLER',
        'session.save_path' => 'CHEVERETO_SESSION_SAVE_PATH',
        // 'upload_max_filesize' => 'CHEVERETO_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE', // INI_PERDIR

Note that upload_max_filesize can't be configured as it is restricted INI_PERDIR.