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Chevereto v4.2.4 announcement


👑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
We are thrilled to share that the development of Chevereto v4.2.4 is well underway! I'm working diligently to bring you a host of new features, improvements, and optimizations to enhance your media hosting experience.

This patch isn't just about maintenance as it marks the thrilling debut of a brand-new Chevereto edition, joining the ranks of Chevereto Pro and Chevereto Free! This new edition has been on the works for half a year and I'm excited that it will be available within this year.
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Added placeholders for comments code

Chevereto now offers new placeholders to support more systems. The new placeholders are {{ PAGE_URL }}, {{ PAGE_ID }}, {{ PAGE_TITLE }}, and {{ LANGUAGE_CODE }}, which should cover most comment systems.

As this feature was requested in the context of Cudis, we're pleased to honor that request by replicating the placeholders to match theirs.

Improved comment code page id

We've improved the page id determination for external comments. It no longer depends on the page URL. The new id is now a combination of the file type (image, video, audio, etc.) and the encoded ID. This enhancement ensures that comment systems will always track the correct page, unaffected by factors like SEO URL changes (e.g., title changes).

Note: Existing users of comment systems may require to update the page id to reflect the new system. If that's too complicated or you just want to keep using the old method search for // $commentsArgs['id'] at app/legacy/routes/image.php
Improved ENV handling

We've improved the handling of Chevereto ENV keys, making it compatible with more server setups. The previous implementation was tied to php.ini configuration, but the new implementation removes this dependency, ensuring smoother operation across various environments.
Fixed bug affecting CLI runtime

Fixed a bug that was preventing the CLI runtime from executing without a time limit. This improvement ensures that your CLI operations can now run smoothly without any interruptions.
Added Chevereto Lite edition

Say hello to Chevereto Lite! a brand new Chevereto edition built for communities and organizations. Share, connect, and grow at an unbeatable monthly rate.

I've been paying close attention to your feedback about the tricky gap for some users when choosing between Chevereto Free being too personal and Chevereto Pro feeling like overkill. It's clear there's been a need for something in the middle—and I'm excited to say Chevereto Lite is here to fill that space perfectly.

Chevereto Lite brings the best of both worlds, offering multi-user support and social features like followers and likes, making it ideal for growing communities. Want to see how it fits your needs? Check out Compare editions.

But here's the game-changer: Chevereto Lite introduces a monthly subscription option, making it our most accessible paid edition yet. It's the perfect blend of power, simplicity, and affordability.
Fixed bug affecting MariaDB 10.4 compatibility

We've fixed a bug affecting MariaDB 10.4 compatibility, which was making the website unusable. This update ensures that the system now works properly with that database server version.