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Chevereto v4.2.3 announcement


πŸ‘‘ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hello everybody,

Regio (Chevereto v4.2) keeps improving based on your valuable feedback and ongoing support. Many thanks to all the users who have installed v4.2 and provide us with essential information on how to make it better.

Without further ado, here are the release notes for Chevereto v4.2.3.
Added Bulk importer as a core feature

The Bulk importer is now integrated into the core of Chevereto, available to all editions. This feature allows users to import large quantities of images in a streamlined and efficient manner, significantly improving the workflow for users importing extensive image libraries.
Added translation placeholder for "hosted at" titles

A new translation placeholder has been added for "hosted at" titles. This ensures that users from different regions can have a more personalized and localized experience.
Added Akismet spam protection on tags

Chevereto now includes Akismet spam protection for tags, providing an additional layer of security. This feature helps in preventing spam tags from cluttering the system, ensuring a cleaner and more reliable tagging environment.
Changed GMT references to UTC

All references to GMT have been updated to UTC. This change ensures consistency in time-related data, aligning with global standards.
Updated Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil) and Vietnamese translations

The translations for Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), and Vietnamese have been updated. Many thanks for contributing us with updated strings for these languages.
Fixed bug with missing SQL update affecting Bulk importer

An issue where a missing SQL update was affecting the functionality of the Bulk importer has been resolved.

Thanks @nixer for the bug report.
Fixed bug with fail-safe ENV using array values

A bug where the fail-safe environment variable (ENV) was incorrectly using array values has been fixed. This correction ensures that the environment variables are handled properly, preventing potential configuration issues.

Thanks @Pavel_M for the bug report.
Fixed bug with wrong column type for image_original_exifdata

The column type for image_original_exifdata was incorrect, leading to potential errors. This bug has been fixed, ensuring that the column support the intended data size.

Thanks @Pavel_M for the bug report.
Fixed bug with Bulk importer not skipping missing directories

The Bulk importer now skips over missing directories during the import process. This fix prevents the importer from encountering errors when directories are not found.

Thanks to @Barry for the bug report.
Fixed bug with Open Graph double encoding

An issue with double encoding in Open Graph tags has been fixed. This correction ensures that Open Graph metadata is correctly encoded when sharing on social media platforms.
Fixed bug with email subject extra encoding

A bug causing extra encoding in email subjects has been resolved. This fix ensures that email subjects are displayed correctly without unnecessary encoding artifacts.
Fixed bug with not working cookie law acceptance

An issue where the cookie law acceptance was not functioning correctly has been resolved. This fix ensures that users can properly accept cookie policies, complying with legal requirements.

Thanks to @Rogeros and @Sirmadsen for the bug report.
Fixed bug with PUP.js auto-close behavior

The auto-close behavior of PUP.js integration has been reverted to its default behavior. This change ensures that the PUP.js window will close automatically after inserting codes using the Popup Upload Plugin.

This is now also configurable using the autoClose option.

Thanks to @user_f617b for the bug report.
Fixed bug with tag filtering using /?match=all

A bug affecting tag filtering when using the /?match=all parameter has been fixed. This correction ensures that the tag filtering system works as expected, providing accurate results when matching all tags.

Thanks @mikaa for the bug report.
Improved install screen

The install screen has been improved and it now indicates the Chevereto edition you are installing and its version (patch).
