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Chevereto v4.2.2 announcement


πŸ‘‘ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hello there,

Thanks for your eager testing on Chevereto v4.2.1 and for enabling us to address its compatibility issues.

I've detected some problems after being able to service several different installations. I know that's an uncomfortable part of the distribution process, but the faster it progresses, the sooner it will stop bugging us. Many thanks for your patience.

Without further ado, here are the release notes for Chevereto v4.2.2.
🐬 Fixed MySQL 5 index compatibility

Fix for MySQL indexes, addressing an issue that was affecting compatibility with MySQL 5.
🐞 Fixed bug affecting NSFW flagging

Chevereto v4.2.2 addresses a bug that was impacting the bulk list edit feature for NSFW flagging.
πŸ’… Added flag icon to NSFW uploader

Chevereto v4.2.2 adds the flag icon under the "Flag not safe" option on the uploader, unifying the design with the image editor modal.
🐞 Fixed bug with not working Open Graph for video

Chevereto v4.2.2 fixes a bug that was preventing og tags from being usable for sharing video files.
βœ… Added fault-tolerant env variables

Chevereto v4.2.2 will cast all ENV variables to strings, preventing type mismatch issues caused by unintended non-string values. For example, if you define the database port as 3306, the system will cast it to '3306'.
🐞 Fixed bug when using user_profile_view=album

Chevereto v4.2.2 fixes a bug that was preventing images from being listed on user profiles when user_profile_view=album was enabled.
βœ… Added session_start fail-safe for false positives

Chevereto v4.2.2 addresses an issue where session_start was throwing an exception on some servers when passing save_path, regardless of its writability. In such cases, the session would start despite the error. This update wraps the function call and checks if the session was successfully started, preventing false positives.
🐞 Fixed bug affecting manual update query generation

Chevereto v4.2.2 fixes a bug that was preventing the system from acknowledging the update status when using dump_update_query=1. The query now correctly includes the MySQL query that updates the chevereto_version_installed value in the variables table.
🐞 Fixed bug with outdated google/apiclient dependency

Chevereto v4.2.2 fixes a bug that caused the system to get stuck on google/apiclient 2.14.0, which had compatibility issues with PHP 8.3. Chevereto now uses google/apiclient 2.18.0.
🐞 Fixed bug affecting Disqus integration

Chevereto v4.2.2 fixes a bug that was preventing Disqus from working as expected.
🐞 Fixed bug with unresponsive /dashboard

Chevereto v4.2.2 fixes a bug that was preventing /dashboard from working as expected due to an incomplete update process. The system now detects the installed version and prevents the faulty query from occurring.