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Chevereto v4.2.1 announcement


👑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hey everyone,

I’m excited to share the latest Chevereto release, which addresses the MySQL tags incompatibility and other issues that folks have reported here and at chevereto/chevereto. Your feedback has been super helpful, so thanks a bunch!

Here are the development notes for Chevereto v4.2.1. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else!
🏷️ Tag input added to uploader form

Users can now add tags directly in the main upload form, making tagging content simpler and more accessible for everyone.

🐞 Fixed TypeError in Image Class

This update resolves the missing image_tags attribute error, ensuring smoother functionality for image handling.
🐞 Fixed bug with non-functioning Banners

This update resolves an issue where banners were not displaying correctly, ensuring they now work as expected.
🐞 Fixed bug with non-functioning analytics and comment code

This update addresses an issue that was preventing analytics and comment code from being properly stored, ensuring these features now work as intended.
🐞 Fixed bug in Pages (free edition)

This update resolves an issue affecting page functionality in the free edition.
🐞 Fixed bug in API route

This update resolves an issue that was causing the API to stop functioning when guest_uploads was disabled. The API now correctly re-evaluates all permissions based on the API Key user.
🐞 Fixed bug in homepage as Explore

This update resolves a bug that was preventing the homepage (set as Explore) from displaying all content, including videos. Now, all content is shown as intended.
🕷️ Increased Project Arachnid Shield timeout

The timeout has been extended from 10 seconds to 15 seconds, which should help in processing larger files more effectively.
📱 Mobile listing now displays checkbox

The mobile interface now includes a listing checkbox (when available) to facilitate easy mass selection on mobile devices.

API now supports use_file_date parameter

The API now includes the use_file_date parameter, allowing admin users to upload content based on the file's Exif date rather than the upload date.

🐞 Fixed bug in API URL upload

This version resolves an issue that was preventing URL uploads from functioning correctly. It now works as expected and retains the original file extension (jpg or jpeg).