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Chevereto v4.2.0 announcement


🥑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hey there,

I’m confirming the ongoing development of Chevereto v4.2.0 (Regio). This new release is packed with improved compliance, quality of life improvements, new features and of course content tags.

Will be posting updates on this topic.
🐞 Fixed bug in front controller

When going to // the system was trowing an exception. This update patches that bug.
🪣 Added "Use path style endpoint" option for External Storage

For both S3 and S3 Compatible you can now select the "Use path style endpoint" option, which improves compatibility with these API providers.


With this new option Chevereto now fully supports Minio.
🪣 Improved credentials handling at External Storage

When using Google you need to pass a private key, in this update the system now detects invalid key format.
Improved session handling

Session has been improved with more secure options (HTTP only, secure if https). It also now supports CHEVERETO_SESSION_SAVE_PATH and CHEVERETO_SESSION_SAVE_HANDLER which you can use to define another session handler, for example Redis.
🪣 Improved External Storage error display

When having issues with External Storage you will now see the issue printed on the modal box (not floating).

Improved handling for boolean settings

Boolean setting keys for example auto_language now includes strict type checking, the system will strictly write only boolean values.

^ Here what was wrong: The setting_value should be 0 or 1. In this update the system will prevent this case.
Improved handling for string settings (HTML safe)

Setting values before v4.2.0 could be filled with any string value, and when passing HTML you could end up breaking the website. In this update the system now prevents unwanted HTML code for all string settings.

Chevereto now always detect HTML on these values, and fix the stored values accordingly.
🐞 Fixed bug with not working album share button

Share button for album wasn't working, when clicking the button the system didn't show the modal. Chevereto v4.2.0 fixes this bug.
🐞 Fixed ErrorException on contact page

Chevereto v4.2.0 fixes a bug in the default contact page which was throwing Undefined array key "subject".
Added more error log information

When throwing an exception the system will now log request data that will make debugging easier. The system will now print request path, method and parameters (GET, POST, FILES).

For error_log, above info will be shown in plain text format.
🏷️ Added user-defined file tags

This has been expected for so long and by so many people that I can only be thankful for the ongoing support all these years. Here it is, tags support in Chevereto.

Tags in Chevereto operate at file (image, video) level, a file can contain many tags and a tag can be used in many files. Tags supports emojis and a wide range of characters, plus is case sensitive that way we can have a tag "us" and "US" at the same time, with different meaning of course.

Tags can be created by any user, but only for tagging owned content. This is how an image with tags looks like:


^ for this one "meme" and "Toño Banderas" are tags.

Tags support any character except comma, slash and hash (,/#) and it supports emoji (you can have emoji tags).

There's now a special listing for tagged content, this is how it looks like:


Of course, you can mix tags! easy as write /tag/meme,avif. The outcome is a list with content tagged "avif" or "meme".


Tags are still work in progress, will keep posting updates!