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Chevereto v4.1.4 announcement


πŸ‘‘ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hey there,

I'm confirming the ongoing development for Chevereto v4.1.4. As usual, will be posting updates in this topic.
πŸ‹ Improved upgrading instructions when using Docker

This concerns non-pro users as when clicking on these $PRO and $LITE badges Chevereto v4.1.4 will prompt a Docker-aware context message. Previously the system was instructing to enter the license key at /dashboard, which is now discouraged for Docker users.


🐞 Removed album hashing when upgrading from V3

At some point the system was doing hashing instead of encryption for album passwords. This was causing issues when upgrading from V3 as Chevereto V4.0 uses cipher instead of hashing for these secrets. Chevereto v4.1.4 fixes this bug.
🐞 Removed login providers encryption when upgrading from V3

Chevereto 4.0.0-beta.11 added cipher for login providers secrets which was causing issues when upgrading from V3. Chevereto v4.1.4 fixes this bug.
βœ… Added checking for CHEVERETO_HOSTNAME_PATH setting

When running Chevereto in a sub-path (for example at /my-website/) the system will check for valid CHEVERETO_HOSTNAME_PATH configuration and instruct you on how to fix this if that's the case. This will avoid issues when running Chevereto in a sub-path, including redirection loop issues.

This also enables to run Chevereto in any nested folder structure.
🌎 Updated French translation

The French translation (fr) has been updated and is now 100% compatible with V4.1. Many thanks for contributing!