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Chevereto v4.0.7

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🐞 Fixed bug with wrong semantic (Album) at uploader

There was a missing semantic at uploader, this patch release fixes this bug.
🐞 Fixed bug with wrong semantic on growl notifications

Some notifications are missing the semantic term, this patch release fixes this bug.
🐞 Fixed bug with wrong semantic at dashboard stats

Few dashboard subjects are missing the semantic term, this patch release fixes this bug.
πŸ’… Moved Twitter account settings to External Services

Twitter account was at /dashboard/login-providers and I've now moved it to /dashboard/external-services
🐞 Fixed bug with type error at JSON route

There was a type error on a missing property access. This patch release fixes this bug.
πŸ’… Improved HTML 5 encoding

The encoding output wasn't targeting HTML 5 so it was causing issues with some chars. This patch release fixes this bug.
πŸ’… Added user avatar as favicon image

Have you noticed the icon next to each website tab in your browser?

That's called favicon or website icon and it is the most boring element of a website and that's why in Chevereto v4.0.7 we are adding the user (logged in) avatar as favicon image!

Chevereto users will now see their avatar on website tabs when browsing Chevereto logged in.

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