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Chevereto v4.0.5 announcement


πŸ‘‘ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hey there,

I'm confirming the fifth revision for Macanudo (4.0), this one is about fixing bugs and incremental improvements.
βœ… Added more environment variables

This will enable to provide better scoped instances. The following toggles have been added:


Most of the added toggles are for stuff that can be already configured via Dashboard panel. This addition is because the environment configuration gets priority over the database, enabling to hard-remove these features.
βœ… Renamed dashboard/settings/api to dashboard/settings/guest-api

The "API" at Dashboard is no longer "the API" as V4.0 introduced user-based API. I renamed it to "Guest API" to avoid more confusion.
βœ… Renamed website modes (community, personal)

Website mode "personal" is now Single profile and website mode "community" is now Multi-user. The new naming is more predictable and it describes what exactly you get.
🐞 Fixed bug with exif metadata removal

When enabling "remove exif data" the system was failing to process requests. This revision fixes that bug.

πŸ‘ Many thanks to @rdn for the bug report.
🐞 Fixed bug with single image redirect

When removing elements from the queue the single upload redirection was failing. This revision fixes that bug.

πŸ‘ Many thanks to @Zartax for the bug report.
🐞 Fixed bug with selectable items on iPad

When using iPad the system was enabling the multi-select tool which is meant to be used by desktop devices. This revision fixes that bug.

πŸ‘ Many thanks to @Zartax for the bug report.
🐞 Fixed bug with login page

When removing all cover images the login screen was throwing an error. This revision fixes that bug.

πŸ‘ many thanks to @lxj12328 for the bug report.
🐞 Fixed bug with missing timestamp on upload

There was an ErrorException in the image class. This revision fixes that bug.

πŸ‘ Many thanks to @Showfom for the bug report.
🐞 Fixed bug with ModerateContent

There was an ErrorException in the image class. This revision fixes that bug.

πŸ‘ Many thanks to @evil for the bug report.