I'm confirming the development for Chevereto v4.0.12, this one focuses on fixing album passwords and several bugs which I've detected during the last few weeks.
At version 4.0.0 I added password hashing for album password and the problem we got is that managing albums with passwords became a hassle as the password stored was hashed and it was impossible to reverse it. Good luck trying to memorize all your passwords for your password protected albums.
In this patch I'm changing the system to store these passwords encrypted if you are using encryption. By doing this, the passwords aren't stored in plain text and can be reversed for easy handling.
All existing password protected albums will remain protected, but users will require to update passwords to enable access to content.
Album password field is now of type "password" and when you focus the input it shows the password. This will help to avoid leaking your password when sharing your screen or if someone is peeking at your browser without your consent.
💅 Improved license key handling (mobile) at Dashboard
License handling got introduced in the previous patch version 4.0.11 and two issues appeared.
1. the select-all on click may be useful on desktop but in mobile is very annoying so I removed it.
2. In iOS there's a bug regarding text strings with the following shape abc:fghi as anytime pasting these it will uppercase the first char, which conflicts with the Chevereto license with is case-sensitive and it shares this shape. The Chevereto license now has this shape: abc_fghi and it doesn't conflict with iOS. I hope Steve Jobs is rolling in his grave due to this.