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Chevereto v4.0.11 annoncement


👑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hey there,

I'm announcing a new patch revision for 4.0, this one is focused on bringing back the one-click update system.

The one-click update system got removed in v3.20 due to performance issues, it was also a weak implementation as it wasn't a stand alone component, meaning that any issue on the base system damaged the process.

The new one-click update system is a stand alone system, it doesn't depend on the existing code to perform downloading and extraction of the software. This guarantee that won't conflict with the base code.

The new one-click system also is all-in-one as it enables to update the software (free and paid) and it also works to update from free edition to paid.
Added one-click upgrade system

Enables to keep Chevereto upgraded (free, paid) and it provides more information to learn how to understand changes you are missing.

✅ Added license key configuration

The license key is required for the one-click upgrade system (otherwise you will download free edition files) so now the license can be configured at the env key CHEVERETO_LICENSE_KEY. To ease handling of this stuff, license can be also defined at the app/CHEVERETO_LICENSE_KEY file.
