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Chevereto v4.0.1 announcement

🐞 Fixed bug with endless scrolling listing viewer

A bug was affecting those who use endless scrolling then tab switch. This is a very odd condition discovered by @xb2016.

🐞 Fixed bug with ErrorException in functions-render

We have patched a bug affecting images with incomplete Exif data.

🐞 Fixed bug with endless listing load issues

Listing load was failing under some conditions. This revision fixes the issue, many thanks to @Weidream. for reporting this.

🐞 Fixed bug with not working API URL upload for admin users

Thanks to @zhbear for reporting that API URL upload wasn't working for admin users. This revision fixes this issue.

πŸ“³ Added vibration feedback on button actions

I opened this RFC less than one month ago, it adds a vibration feedback when clicking (touching) the buttons. Will work in any device supporting Vibration API.


You can try at the demo, if it doesn't work try in incognito browser mode.
🐞 Fixed bug with random mode not excluding content

I've found a bug in the random mode that caused 403 errors when trying to load images pending moderation. This revision fixes that issue.

🐞 Fixed bug with wrong album items on endless scrolling

Noticed an odd item display on albums listing when using endless scrolling. Here:


This revision fixes the issue.

🐞 Fixed bug with API GET method not working with URL upload

Note: This has been patched only for backwards compatibility. For your own security do not use GET with the API.

The security risk of using GET is that the API key goes in the URL, which is considered public realm. Our recommendation is to use X-API-Key HEADER to pass the key.
