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Chevereto V4.0.0.beta.8 announcement

✌️ Added Two-factor auth (2FA)

Pushed to V4.0.0.beta.9.

This enables to register an auth device (Google authenticator, et all) to strengthen access to accounts by requiring a random key provided by the auth device.

With this, accounts will be more safer as even if an attacker manages to discover your password it won't be possible to access unless providing the 2FA code.

πŸ¦„ Added expiration date in main upload form

Expiration time is now visible on main upload form, same as category and album. With this you can now easily bulk set the expiration date for your current upload.

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πŸ‘‰ Improved API guest user handling

Calls to API V1.1 using the public key at Dashboard > API will now be handled as guest uploads, meaning that it follows all guest upload restrictions you may want to configure (enabled, guest max upload file size, etc).
πŸ’… Improved uploader UX

The uploader has been improved for iOS devices (missing upload button, not rounded borders), also the fixed uploader now blocks the page scrolling in the background when opened.
πŸ¦† Improved login page

Login now uses accent color for the submit button (arrow icon). Autofilled account details (username, password) now follow the palette color as it overrides the browser defaults.

Note: The 2FA implementation is still not there (😒 I just had the views) and this is delaying testing on other systems of the application. I will skip 2FA for V4.0.0.beta.9 so we can test the other stuff right now.
πŸ’‘ Improved autofocus behavior

Property autofocus has been added to form elements at login, signup and account/*. This will focus the user input with a blinking text on page load. This saves one click and makes the experience a little bit better.