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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

Chevereto V4.0.0.beta.7

⏲️ Added disable CRON while maintenance mode is enabled

Cron won't run if the maintenance mode is enabled. This one is to avoid running the background jobs while in the middle of an update.

πŸ“¦ Deprecated HTTP update system

To guarantee the integrity of your installations, for V4 we will push on update methods based on CLI + file system. This means that to update within V4 you will require to unzip the package in your server.

Same goes for web panel users, after an exhaustive survey I've noticed that most well-known web panels may not include shell access, but for sure they at least provide a file manager with unzip support.

To make this easier we will provide shell scripts to ease the work on the CLI.
βœ… Enabled API V1

This is not actually a feature, but in this release you will be able to use API V1 again, exactly as in Chevereto V3.

Any existing API V1 client will keep working with V4.
πŸŽ‰ Introducing API V1 updates (API V1.1)

πŸ”‘ Added API V1 user keys

API V1 will get improved in V4 with support for user keys, enabling your users to upload content to their accounts. This will work with any existing API client as the only change is that now users can provide their own keys.

Users will be able to renew the API key from /settings.

πŸ₯‘ Added API V1 parameters

API V1 will now support title, album id, category id, width, expiration, description and nsfw flag. This will help to provide more context to your user API based uploads.
πŸ‘ˆ Added logout form action

Logout in V4 uses a form, not a link as /logout?auth_token.... This is a safety measure to avoid auth_token getting leak on system access logs.

This change is invisible, you will keep seing the same logout user interface.
😎 Added API V1.1 compatibility with ImgBB

As some may know, ImgBB is a popular Chevereto based service which has been offering user-based API for a while. As ImgBB is very popular, many software supports to upload to ImgBB's API but not to Chevereto API. This is because they changed the parameters and the body for the API. Basically, they override our standard to exclude other Chevereto users (pretends to be shocked!).

With Chevereto V4.0 we are adding 1:1 compatibility with ImgBB API, which means that any ImgBB API client will be fully compatible with V4 and its new API V1.1, easy as change the URL to point to your Chevereto V4 installation.
😘 Update on API V1.1 user-based keys

Our API keys won't be stored in the database, we will store only the hash. This means that if for any unfortunate situation your DB gets leaked, rest assured that user API keys won't be filtered (same as passwords).

Also, the key is 128+ chars long and random generated.

πŸ›€οΈ Added configurable root routing

Root route has been always reserved for usernames. That changes in V4 as now you will be able to configure root routing and pick among username (current default), image id or album id.

This will enable to get shorter URLs for the content you want to focus on. For example, use /<id> to resolve images directly.

ℹ️ Updated "Powered by" section

Powered by section will now include a legal remark on liability. This is required so your users can clearly understand that whatever happens with your service is not our responsibility.


(it looks huge on the screen capture, sorry about that).