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    Here users from all over the world gather around to learn the latest about Chevereto and contribute with ideas to improve the software.

    Please keep in mind:

Chevereto V4.0.0.beta.6

πŸ¦„ Improved debug experience


What you can see above is V4 multiple exception handler, on left that's the already known new Exception handler which is great and everything but it still requires to edit settings.php debug_mode=3 to enable it.

On the right, that's the new unobtrusive remote error handler that I built-in for V4 which runs chevere/xr. With this, you don't need to enable debug on a file anymore, simply go to Dashboard to turn it on. Best thing? your visitors won't even see these messages as it runs on a remote log facility 😎.

😘 All of this is built-in, I custom made it for all of us.
πŸ’‘ Added XR options

You can now configure the XR debug server directly from the Dashboard (no file editing required).


πŸŽ‰ You will also like to know that XR now includes options to copy and export debug messages!


Copy will take the plaintext content, and export will generate a PNG capture for the message:


^^^ With these it will be easier for you to debug the software when you encounter any issues. Also, it will save you tons of time when needing to report these back to us.
πŸ†™ Improved uploader

Uploader will now also close when pressing ESC key. When closing, it will keep the queue (no reset), so it will keep the images. To reset you need to click on "Reset".

🀑 Improvements on settings handling

With V4.0 beta I experimented with .env settings and I think that it will be better to revert to the previous PHP file system. This is how it ended up:


return [
  'CHEVERETO_DB_DRIVER' => 'mysql',
🎨 Added delay for palette previews

To preview a palette it will be required to mouse-over for 1s, this will prevent the unattended preview issues when navigating the menu.