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Chevereto v4.0.0.beta.4


๐Ÿ‘‘ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hey there,

Following up the ongoing development of Chevereto V4 I'm pleased to announce the development of Chevereto V4.0.0.beta.4.

๐Ÿค— User experience improves

We are improving the user experience by adding more actions and adding little details to the general look and feel of the system.

^ The zoom action of listing viewer can now be triggered using right-click. In mobile, this is triggered by doing long-press.

๐Ÿ“ฑ iPhone improvements

A myriad of improvements have been pushed for devices running iOS, the most remarkable is that we got rid of the zoom when editing input fields.

^ It seems like a small thing but the zoom was really annoying.

Work in progress
๐Ÿค— Added support for native device sharer

The sharer now adds a share button which will trigger your device/os system sharer.


With this, you will be able to share to any registered target in your device.

๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿพ Added commands ready to copy-paste and run

When using Docker you will now get the commands needed to run cron & importing. Here's Dashboard home with the Cron Command:


๐Ÿ‘‰ Here's on Bulk content importer:

๐Ÿ‘ฎโ€โ™€๏ธ Improved Dashboard top bar


We got an icon next to dashboard, plus here you take a look on how cool now the theme looks with the subtle upgrades we have been pushing. For "most viewed" you get a background that helps to navigate tags.
๐Ÿ’– Improvements in uploader

The uploader also gets improvements, it now looks better to the eye with media icons and it now goes centered.



Another improvement is that the copy/paste files action has been fixed for and now it will enable to paste multiple files and URLs.

Also, we now use "files" instead of "images" ๐Ÿ˜˜ as we will support video+audio in the future.
This is all looking super exciting! Loving the iOS improves and the sharer sheet using device UI, along with the refreshed user settings page UI.

Hyped to see what happens to profiles! Hoping to see a shortcut to "Ban" a user on profiles (in-between Edit/Delete) as a quicker way to ban instead of Edit > changing status to Banned > save changes button. A one-click ban button would be sweet.