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Chevereto v4.0.0-beta.11 announcement

πŸ’… Renamed "Linked accounts" to "Connections"

The section where you manage your login connections is now called "connections" which is a better concept than linked accounts. It also improves the styling a bit.

🀠 Renamed "Social networks" to "Login providers"

The section where you configure login providers is now called "Login providers" as the term social network doesn't fit anymore.
πŸ”• Removed email notification on new updates

The notification via email on new updates has been removed. For keeping up with our updates you can subscribe to the RSS feed, our newsletter or query the API at: https://chevereto.com/api/get/info/4
🌎 Fixed bug in heading tags when using homepage split

Before this beta when using homepage as Landing + Explore the system was printing three h1 tags on homepage, which is horrible for SEO. The titles are:

  • Upload and share your images.
  • Recent
  • Sign up to unlock all the features

This beta fix this bug as the latter two titles are now under h2.
πŸ’… Improved style for private content

Private content now shows an eye-slash on the same line where it indicates the details of the content. Also, the icon is now icon line.

πŸ’… Improved style for connected accounts

Connected accounts now indicate display name and the resource id (that 20590102 is my GitHub user id). Also added a delete button for removing the connection.


O sea yo lo encuentro bonito.
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Hey, great news everybody.

This is the final beta for V4.0 and after this release it goes production! After 10 long months of beta testing the software is finally getting its intended shape. This has been a significative meaningful release cycle, the quality bump is impressive and the software gets stronger with every release.

The beta is gorgeous and I'm proud of it. Although this is can be seen as another release for the long list, for me this one has a special meaning. It feels like the night before Christmas, I know something will unwrap soon and that joy will be distributed to your servers.

This is a version shift that I started on 2017. Before this I was a different software developer, and it feels great to realize all the new knowledge that I hold right know. To quote someone smarter "There is no knowledge that is not power" and my knowledge is driven by software.

The beta is ready and for the following days I will be testing everything. I hope to kill all bugs, if I fail you know that you point me where and problem solved. It is a massive update this beta, the final push. Keep bearing with Chevereto.

V4.0.0-beta.11 will be released earlier next week. The more users jumping in the faster we will get production.

Stay tuned, remain chevere.