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Chevereto v3.9.1

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⭐ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Chevereto 3.9.1 (2017-05-26)
- Added filter to hide banned user content from /explore
- Added is_upload_enabled() theme conditional
- Added webkit CSS vendor prefixes (fixes issues with old mobile browsers)
- Fixed bug in class.lock.php (PHP 5.5 incompatibility)
- Fixed bug in [data-login-needed] links (upload, like, etc.)
- Fixed bug in snippets/anywhere_uploader.php (typo)
- Fixed bug in stats.sql
- Fixed bug in class.listing.php (album join clause)
- Fixed bug in class.settings.php
- Fixed bug in route.json.php (upload to album stuff)
- Fixed bug in reCaptcha modal login box
- Updated Chinese Traditional, Czech, French and Japanese translations
- Updated G\ to v1.0.38

Affected files and folders (from 3.9.0)
- app/app.php
- app/loader.php
- app/content/languages/
- app/routes/
- app/install/
- app/lib/
- app/themes/Peafowl/
- lib/

Check the README.txt file and http://chevereto.com/docs for install or update instructions.
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