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Chevereto v3.8.1

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⭐ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Chevereto 3.8.1 (2016-08-16)
- Added new listing system
- Highly improved listing performance (MySQL)
- Improved external storage performance (lookup for existing files)
- Improved system check script (missing functions)
- Fixed bug in routes missing keywords
- Fixed bug in listings (small images overlaps)
- Fixed bug in user search box (close icon)
- Fixed bug in homepage (white page)
- Fixed bug in owner card (empty image count)
- Fixed bug in core functions (not working CDN)
- Fixed bug in route.image.php
- Fixed bug in image view (editable current tab)
- Fixed bug in listing column count (large screen)
- Fixed bug in Norwegian language
- Updated Arabic, Chinese Simplified, French and German translations

Affected files and folders (from 3.8.0)
- app/app.php
- app/loader.php
- app/content/
- app/routes/
- app/install/
- app/lib/
- app/themes/Peafowl/
- lib/

Check the README.txt file and http://chevereto.com/docs for install or update instructions.
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