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Chevereto Pup Naming

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👽 Chevereto Freak
I would love an option to white label the plugin name async id="chevereto-pup-src" to change chevereto to another word of my choosing.
Nope. Edit it on your own. Problem is that any custom string adds the need to create these files using php and at this time I want to focus in plugin core, not customized source.
By the way, I just found a way to don't require the id element but it won't work in IE < 11. That's not an issue, IE11 is already old.
Next update (3.10.3) will get rid of id="chevereto-pup-src" and no ID will be needed anyway.
Next update (3.10.3) will get rid of id="chevereto-pup-src" and no ID will be needed anyway.

No more used id="chevereto-pup-src" ? If we need work for IE11 then what we can do? Windows still using IE11 and lot of user use IE11.

So now using this code?

<script async src="//www.mysite.com/sdk/pup.js" data-url="https://www.mysite.com/upload"></script>
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