Chevereto Member
site looks like it loads fine, but attempting to login or even view an uploaded image, you'll get this error:
Chevereto error: Internal Server Error
I'm hosted on arvixe and last week something happened with their servers and none of the databases were accessible. I wasn't able to load phpMyAdmin or even look at any of the mysql settings, etc. none of that would load as if mysql wasn't running. They ended up fixing that a few days later, but I'm still getting the error.
Chevereto error: Internal Server Error
I'm hosted on arvixe and last week something happened with their servers and none of the databases were accessible. I wasn't able to load phpMyAdmin or even look at any of the mysql settings, etc. none of that would load as if mysql wasn't running. They ended up fixing that a few days later, but I'm still getting the error.