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Work in progress Chevereto cloud development status


👑 Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Hello everybody,

A few years ago, I announced plans to develop Chevereto Cloud, even setting up a landing page: chevereto.com/cloud

Since then, a lot has changed. I realized that Chevereto wasn't initially built for cloud-native deployment, and adapting it required a major overhaul. Instead of rushing into cloud development, I focused on strengthening Chevereto's core, which turned into a 2.5-year effort including all the work done on Chevere, now the backbone of both Chevereto (the software) and Chevereto Cloud (the platform).

The result? We now own key technologies that give us a significant edge. Critical systems are under our control, and I've built powerful tools like Workflow and xrDebug. This investment enables us to deliver more sophisticated software solutions while paving the way for the next-gen Chevereto.

Chevereto Cloud is now in advanced development and should launch in the coming months. While it still runs on PHP + MySQL, its architecture is entirely new. The service operates under its own application server, it takes charges of all the infra and it is way more modular than Chevereto.

When it's ready, I'll share a detailed tech overview on my blog (rodolfoberrios.com). For now, here’s a preview of what I’m working on:


Beyond offering a new way to run Chevereto, Chevereto Cloud is shaping the application architecture for future Chevereto versions. Features developed for the cloud like session control and passkey authentication will be easily ported to Chevereto and vice versa, ensuring that both systems feed each other.

Just wanted to share this update, too many months without showing anything.

Hype times are coming back!
Hi Rodolfo,

I am excited for the great work that you're doing. I know that my mom gets upset because I say Chevre but honestly it's great product that you've been working on and of course for someone like myself that really didn't want to dive into so much of the technical stuff like you've done over the years I appreciate knowing that I can work with your software and even then to offer it to others who are small businesses my community desperately need an updated website but if anything man thank you for all the hard work and continue doing what you're doing cuz you inspire many people including myself to persevere thank you.