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Chevereto 3.6.5

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⭐ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Chevereto 3.6.5 (2015-06-28)
- Added client and server side image resize
- Added adaptive watermarks
- Added extended uploader options
- Added configurable minimum size needed to apply watermark
- Added configurable toggle for watermarks on GIF images
- Added blur-off when hovering images flagged as NSFW
- Added get_checkbox_html render function
- Increased image_title and album_name length
- Improved image watermark functionality
- Improved G\getUrlHaders function
- Improved background for transparent images in image viewer
- Improved uploader queue functionality and styling
- Improved uploader semantics
- Disabled watermarks for animated GIF images
- Fixed bug in class.image.php regarding an illegal offset
- Fixed bug in G\Gettext class
- Fixed bug in watermark JPG images when using full watermark opacity
- Fixed bug in upload top-bar toggle effect queue
- Fixed bug in non displaying new queue buttons after queue done
- Fixed bug in homepage route explorer and not working querystrings
- Fixed bug in contact page (wrong IP address)
- Fixed some language strings (Spanish)
- Updated Finnish, French, German, Hunagrian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian languages.
- Updated G\ Library
- Updated Peafowl framework

Affected files and folders (from 3.6.4)
- app/app.php
- app/loader.php
- app/content/languages/
- app/content/system/
- app/routes/
- app/install/
- app/lib/
- app/themes/Peafowl/
- lib/G/
- lib/Peafowl/

Check the README.txt file and http://chevereto.com/docs for install or update instructions.

Link: Introducing Chevereto v3.6.5 with new uploader and watermark options
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