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Chevereto 3.6.1

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⭐ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Chevereto 3.6.1 (2015-04-14)
- Added support for translation overrides
- Added translation cache feature
- Added configurable watermark on/off setting by user group
- Added configurable homepage title, paragraph and call to action function
- Added configurable enabled languages
- Added configurable on/off language chooser
- Added list select/clear all toggle
- Added readonly attribute to input embed codes
- Added homepage OpenGraph image
- Added hreflang attributes
- Improved language handling (up to 44% faster)
- Improved language change function (user settings)
- Improved display for html body id
- Improved theme top-bar display
- Improved mobile listing menu style and animation
- Improved tracking code placement (just before closing </body> tag)
- Improved Peafowl default design
- Improved user breadcrumb display
- Improved upload add image behaviour
- Improved listing edit tools display
- Fixed bug in class.minify.php
- Fixed bug in /user/username 404 page
- Fixed bug in IP search
- Fixed bug in image pre-loading and zoom in
- Fixed bug in Facebook sharer
- Fixed bug in Facebook username handle on /connect
- Fixed bug in Firefox mobile
- Fixed bug with header missing functions
- Fixed bug with translations that have complex plural forms (Russian, Ukrainian, etc.)
- Fixed bug with division by zero issue
- Fixed bug with mobile menu and top bar custom color button
- Fixed bug with homepage split mode and transparent top-bar scroll
- Added Slovak translation
- Deprecated .mo translations for .po translations
- Deprecated php-gettext vendor class
- Updated all translations
- Updated G\ Library to 1.0.24
- Updated Peafowl framework

Affected files and folders (from 3.6.0)
- app/app.php
- app/loader.php
- app/content/languages/
- app/routes/
- app/install/
- app/lib/
- app/themes/Peafowl/
- lib/G/
- lib/Peafowl/

Check the README.txt file and http://chevereto.com/docs for install or update instructions.
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