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Chevereto 3.6.0

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⭐ Chevereto Godlike
Chevereto Staff
Chevereto 3.6.0 (2015-03-27)
- Added user bio feature
- Added user NSFW content display on/off setting
- Added user newsletter on/off setting
- Added user avatar display in user listing scroll
- Added support for Twitter cards
- Added minify code feature (JS and CSS)
- Added functions to convert URLs into HTML links
- Added resizeable URL upload box
- Added configurable setting to show/hide Exif data for images
- Added configurable theme top bar setting (black or white)
- Added configurable theme main active color
- Added configurable homepage call-to-action button color and style
- Improved titles and descriptions (SEO)
- Improved user settings handle (security)
- Improved user cover background animation on scroll
- Improved base language strings
- Improved website system images storage
- Improved install settings values
- Improved class.image.php exceptions
- Improved class.listing.php output
- Improved class.settings.php behaviour
- Improved theme footer.php handling
- Improved theme js handling (homepage, index, user, footer)
- Fixed bug in search function when using InnoDB
- Fixed bug with unescaped chars in Peafowl listings
- Fixed bug in user profile scroll function
- Fixed bug in category name listing title
- Fixed bug in album listing NSFW content (using endless scroll)
- Fixed bug in modal forms (check box values)
- Fixed bug in upload when using multi-byte URLs
- Fixed bug in sort order before upload
- Fixed bug in banner codes with sensitive chars
- Updated Chinese Simplified, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian translations
- Updated G\ Library to 1.0.23
- Updated Peafowl framework

Affected files and folders (from 3.5.21)
- app/app.php
- app/loader.php
- app/content/languages/
- app/routes/
- app/install/
- app/lib/
- app/themes/Peafowl/
- lib/G/
- lib/Peafowl/

Check the README.txt file and http://chevereto.com/docs for install or update instructions.
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