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Is it possible to use a content delivery network with this script>? ie can I force the viewer url / image to load from cdn.mydomain.com to display images off the CDN and save bandwidth?
It depends on how your CDN works, for instance you can use CloudFlare.
CDN works like most do (I have used cloudflare in the past and can see some flaws with their product)

Simply works via subdomain. ie if your domain name is image.com

Image is located at image.com/image.jpg
with cdn you use cdn.image.com/image.jpg

cdn.image.com is CNAME to your CDN url which distributes the content .. so all we need to do is force all image links to cdn.image.com instead of image.com

Hope this makes sense 🙂
CDN works like most do (I have used cloudflare in the past and can see some flaws with their product)

Simply works via subdomain. ie if your domain name is image.com

Image is located at image.com/image.jpg
with cdn you use cdn.image.com/image.jpg

cdn.image.com is CNAME to your CDN url which distributes the content .. so all we need to do is force all image links to cdn.image.com instead of image.com

Hope this makes sense 🙂

That could be done via htaccess but i think it's a bit more complex than that so Rodolfo will know.
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