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Can't get a tempnam

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Make sure that the temp folder can be writable by PHP. This is a server error.
Chevereto needs to work in the temp folder which it gets from PHP. If this temp folder is not accessible by php by some open base dir restriction or the user running php in your server doesn't have writing permissions in this folder the system won't work.

Like I said. this issue happens when PHP is badly configured.
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PHP Warning:  tempnam(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/tmp) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/.sites/119/site2602/web:/home/.sites/119/site2602/tmp:/usr/share/pear) in /home/.sites/119/site2602/web/h2/app/lib/classes/class.upload.php on line 216, referer: http://www.irmscher.tv/h2/dashboard/settings/external-services
V2 doesn't use the system path for temp files. Like I said, this is a server error refer this issue to them.
php_admin_value open_basedir none - apache vhost config

so far only managed ..

sorry for my english :)
i have tmp 777 folder (not temp), i get the same error. where must be this folder?
i have tmp 777 folder (not temp), i get the same error. where must be this folder?

It depends on the PHP config. Refer to your hosting company or server administrator because this is not a Chevereto issue. You PHP is bad configured that's all.
hoster says there is no temp folder. may be use another folder?

Where are you being hosted? Every PHP instance must have a temp folder which is used to store temp files like sessions and so on. Chevereto will try to use the system temp folder, if this folder can't be accessed is because your system is not well configured.

Again, this issue is not related to Chevereto is about a bad configured server. If you are paying for that server and they don't have any idea of this you should get another host.
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