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Can anyone make Video Plugin?


Chevereto Member
Hi I was wondering if anyone can create an video plugin so I can add videos by link
Like YouTube, Vimeo, etc
Not an actual upload but with link or embedded code
Hi, making this now is a big waste of time. Version 4 is -on the way- and will be supporting plugins(!)
How much features and how much you are willing to pay for?
How much features and how much you are willing to pay for?
Hello sorry for late reply regarding features I would need it to be in separate category ex videos
submit link or bulk links from sites like YouTube daily motion etc... only embeded videos also create categories for videos. and generate original video titles when submitting the link
and im also interested in plugin that can automatically post the links to Reddit and Tumblr accounts after I upload pictures to my site
let me know your price
regards Alex