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Buyed extended but how to download?


💖 Chevereto Fan
Hi All,
I have buyed today, but after paying thru now no mail or link to download the software?

Thanks for answering

Hi Harry,

The PayPal payment processing is automatic and at this time there is no request from PayPal to process that payment. Actually the payment is not even in Chevereto's billing account so the payment isn't anywhere. Sometimes PayPal could have issues and could take longer to notify the payment, soon as the payment gets to our end I will process the payment and activate your license.

Thanks Rodolfo, I got the link the morning after.
And now have to set up for testing by exiting users, to replace this for my existing software.
Hi Rodolfo,

Sorry i'm writing under the old tread, but to avoid opening new one.
Just purchased PRO edition and have payment confirmation, but after entering my profile and pasting the license key under the settings, nothning changes and still show's to me that i'm using FREE edition.

Would be gratefull to update, as the links i found for "upgrading to pro installer" seems not to work.

I'm not a "code guy" and do not understand logic to go trough all this code and database update, since i'm running 4.25 version and presing button "Upgrade" stuck without any result, showing this message:

"19:29:16 * Lock downloading process
19:29:16 * Attempt to use licensed version [CHEVERETO_LICENSE_KEY provided]
19:29:16 * About to download Chevereto 4
19:30:16 * Unlock downloading process
19:30:16 * [ERROR] Curl error Operation timed out after 60008 milliseconds with 63327387 bytes received"

Checked in file director and the CHEVERETO_LICENSE_KEY.php has been created, but still hows to me i am using FREE verion.

Please advice further as for dummies
@Intervest The process requires to download and extract a .zip package, the error is saying that your server is timing out when doing the download. Try running via CLI update:

php app/upgrading.php

If you are running cPanel, you can upload and extract the zip file via web. Instructions here: https://v4-docs.chevereto.com/guides/cpanel/app-files.html
All done via cPanel, thanks a lot, Rodolfo!

Just work on settings, and experience problems with managing video files.
The error shows:
  • Video processing: Error: Unable to load FFProbe: Executable not found, proposed : ffprobe, Unable to load FFProbe: Executable not found, proposed : ffprobe

    Any advice?!
All done via cPanel, thanks a lot, Rodolfo!

Just work on settings, and experience problems with managing video files.
The error shows:
  • Video processing: Error: Unable to load FFProbe: Executable not found, proposed : ffprobe, Unable to load FFProbe: Executable not found, proposed : ffprobe

    Any advice?!
You'll need to specify the location of your ffprobe mod within your server. Read now about it here: https://v4-docs.chevereto.com/guides/cpanel/ffmpeg.html#upload-ffmpeg