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Bugs in 3.0.1

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Chevereto Member
Hey Rodolfo, I've upgraded to 3.0.1, but I've still got the following issues:
- Search doesn't work
- If I want to load more images and/or scroll down for more images I get:
Error: empty action
- After uploading new images, sometimes the "Create new album" option doesn't work. In the form field for the name I see the name of the last album I created and even if I click on 'create', it all uploads to my standard gallery instead.
- Suggestion: Right now if you click on albums, you get to see all of the created albums, but not the default "User's Images". Perhaps it'd look better if you could see that as well?
- Suggestion: Separate Items per page (listing) for the frontpage and the albums?
Are you using mysql?
Yes I am.
  • MySQL version: 5.5.35-MariaDB
MariaDB shouldn't be the issue, considering it is just MySQL. However, now that I think about it, nginx might be the issue. With the rewrite rules and whatnot, it might be the reason Search isn't working for me. Do you think that might be the case? It doesn't explain the empty action error however. If you'd like to give it a look yourself, www.imgrobot.com
He got it because rewrites are not working, have same issue as me but solved in my situation was nginx.

BTW, make sure you have this folder with 777 permission with recursively(mean all file and folders behind it) option ...

Edit: see you use nginx.

Use my rewrite type from here: https://chevereto.com/community/threads/nginx-working-rewrite-rules.2336/#post-24004

remove rewrites you used from version 2.x.x
Haha, I thought I could edit my original post before anyone saw it, but you guys replied too fast. But yeah, I began thinking it might be nginx as well. Let me give your rewrite a go ;).
Oh wow. Fuck me :|. Everything is working properly now :D! Thank you very much vlaur and I'm terribly sorry Rodolfo for wasting your time (worst idiot customer ever)!
You should never use 0777 permission mask, try to run apache with permissions instead (or nginx)
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