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Reviewing bug related to Microsoft edge or Firefox


🐞 Fixed bug affecting video uploads when using max image size

When using max. image size the system was also trying to issue the resize of video files, causing the upload to fail. Chevereto v4.1.4 fixes this bug.
Adding to this, if possible, can you look into the bug related to Microsoft edge or Firefox where if a client attempts to upload a file, they are greeted with an src error message due to incorrect JavaScript configuration. Works fine on chrome, not so much on chromium.
MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED appears when the web browser fails to load the video, it is the web browser which is indicating that the file can't be loaded.

Perhaps your videos are corrupted, I just tested on Edge Windows 10 and it works. Perhaps you should share the video to test from here.
How do I go about sharing the videos to you via the forum, there's no attachment option for it. only photos.
that said, the files aren't corrupted, they do work and load properly on the website and the files have not been modified from your first release.
Currently on 4.1.13
The error is thrown at web browser layer, best you can do is to show me the videos and indicate the system specs where it fails (os, browser, with version)
I have been investigating this one for a while and sadly it is complicated.

The issue is that browsers don't load video the same way and there's no standard either, at least not adopted. Support for video files seems to vary in several factors, every vendor pours their own magic. For example iOS uses heif/heic which doesn't work on web so when you pick a file it converts it on the fly to JPEG/MOV.

There's also the issue on how browsers understand HDR video, and several other nasty issues that doesn't worth mentioning.

Will keep digging.