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Block image based on MD5 Hash ban list


đź‘˝ Chevereto Freak
đź’ˇDescribe your suggestion

Block abusive image which are repeatedly uploaded to the site by adding MD5 hash to block list similar to IP ban.

IP ban is less effective given that most ISPs assign dynamic IPs and some users keep uploading same abusive image again and again.

đź‘ŹWhere did you saw this?

Chevereto already make use of MD5 for blocking duplicate images, same could be used for blocking offensive images.

🔥Interest outside our community

Background: Recently someone contacted me about their private pic uploaded to my site. I immediately removed the pic and banned uploader IP. However, this pic gets uploaded again and again from different IPs everyday and being shared on other sites using the image link. This person have to contact me everyday with a new link to take down and I felt really powerless to prevent this personal abuse.
If you manage a public image hosting website for a long time, you will know that this feature is very important.
Because some users use VPN to continuously change IP and repeatedly upload some illegal pictures.
You need to first get approval and API key from them. I can share the script.
Yes that would be great if you can share the script, i will try apply and get a API key from them. You could maybe give script to @Rodolfo as well so he can maybe add it into chevereto as well?
You could maybe give script to @Rodolfo as well so he can maybe add it into chevereto as well?
Care to follow the rules? Ask the community, not Rodolfo.


Care to follow the rules? Ask the community, not Rodolfo.

Ah i see, i haven't been on much here so i haven't read every topics just yet.

So i had no idea that it wasn't allowed to tag you anymore.
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