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BBcode medium link = broken

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Chevereto Member
I updated to 3.4.6 today and noticed that the medium bb code link after uploading images is broken.

It's giving me thumbnails and medium sized images in one post.. So in other words it's not constant.

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Medium is not always generated, is only generated when is needed.
Is it not being generated because the medium dimensions are larger than the image?

I understand this behaviour, but I would like to suggest that when copying all the bb codes after uploading (batch copy) that it then uses the original image size and not the thumbnail versions when selecting to copy all medium bb codes.

So instead of my example above it would be medium + originals.
Thanks Rodolfo. Any chance you could provide me with a quick fix until 3.47 is released with the changed code?
app/lib/chevereto.js change this:
        if(!image.medium) {
            image.medium = image.thumb;

To this:
        // Medium doesn't exists
        if(!image.medium) {
            var imageProp = ["filename", "name", "width", "height", "ratio", "bits", "channels", "extension", "filename", "height", "mime", "name", "ratio", "size", "size_formatted", "url", "width"];
            image.medium = {};
            for(var i=0; i<imageProp.length; i++) {
                image.medium[imageProp[i]] = image[imageProp[i]];
Wait for the official/final patch.
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