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Banner code not saving

PHP version
Database driver
Database version
Web browser


Chevereto Member
Hello guys,

Can someone help me with the banners option to display ads?
I'm trying to put html code but is not saving...

This is a code example:
<a target="_blank" href="#"><img border="0" src="https://mydomain.com/images/bannertop.jpg" alt="Banner"></a>

Any idea why the code is not saving?
What I am doing wrong?

Thank you
Check that your theme files aren't cached, but is very likely that the issue is that your web server implements a "safe mode" which automatically rejects any POST request containing HTML/JS. A browser extension may be also blocking that.

If you can't disable that safe mode try updating these directly via database or CLI command, which is not affected by the safe mode in your server.

Don't worry, the safe mode is not needed by Chevereto. Safe mode is the kind of stuff needed for very old software (PHP 4, 5).