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Backup Chevereto from Admin dashboard


👽 Chevereto Freak
Currently I have to run server lines of command and has to use many third party plugins to take a backup of my huge Chevereto site. It would be nice to have following below options in Admin dashboard.
  • One click database backup (like export database option in phpmyadmin)
  • Full site backup to an external FTP or cloud storage.
Since Chevereto already handles external storage very well I believe it won't be much hassle to add backup option.
Not a good idea.

Chevereto runs on top of PHP and that resource is caped by your web server because that's the way it should be. If your website is huge, there is no way in which doing this process using PHP won't get any issues if PHP don't have shell access. In my own experience large websites should never rely in front-end backup systems, best thing is to do it directly using shell.

You should take your backup server and create a cron that does the backup for you every day or so. There are dozen of examples of those processes if you search for those and the operation don't mess your server performance, settings, memory, anything.