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Are you giving up the Chinese market?


Chevereto Noob
Free version, a few versions, especially if there is no Chinese language, have been removed, is this a card neck?


I am from China, run to this to vomit, thank you for your convenience of the designer.

Add a simplified Chinese bank after trouble!
Author, I am a multi-year support, because poverty is unable to use the paid version!

Can I increase Chinese support?

3.16.2 is a free version, I feel too low.
3.18.3 Can you update to 3.18.3. Bustle

I have no guailked for no funds!
Chevereto-Free is a Free Software hobby project for me. I gift to the world "as-is" and to ease my work I stripped a lot of features, including multi-language support. Not against China as you mention, it doesn't even support Spanish which is my native language. I removed all languages.

I don't plan to add more features to Chevereto-Free, only maintenance updates and it will reman as V3.16 fork.
You can self-translate Chevereto-Free. Rodolfo was kind enough to not encrypt the code.

If you go to app/themes/Peafowl/ you can edit the language in the code for most things. I recommend focusing on the subfolder called views.

For example in app/themes/Peafowl/views/album.php is the code that displays an album.

Say you want to change this text: Do you really want to delete this album and all of its images? This can't be undone.

to: 您真的要刪除此相冊及其所有圖像嗎 這是無法撤消的

You're going to look for the text in the code you want to change which is this:
<a class="link link--delete" data-confirm="<?php _se("Do you really want to delete this album and all of its images? This can't be undone."); ?>" data-submit-fn="CHV.fn.submit_resource_delete" data-ajax-deferred="CHV.fn.complete_resource_delete" data-ajax-url="<?php echo G\get_base_url("json"); ?>"><span class="icon icon-remove"></span><span><?php _se('Delete'); ?></span></a>