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API uploading from Twitter Clients on mobile & desktop.


Chevereto Member
I'm trying to use the API to upload from my Twitter clients on iPhone, but I can't figure it out. I'd also like to use it with clients like Tweetdeck later on, but:

This is for example what I need for Tweetbot:
API Endpoint URL

Here's the screenshots of the Help File:


Sorry, know I'm being a idiot, but I'm gonna need some help figuring out how to use the api with Twitter clients.
Chevereto API is desired to be the endpoint in the main upload operation, not to be a direct endpoint for any particular app.

Thing is that I can add a custom endpoint for this kind of services, let's say... &endpoint=twitter sends a output response that can be handled by twitter. That could be made but if you need something right now you need to create a midpoint, like a api caller just for twitter, that calls and format the default api response.
Rodolfo said:
Chevereto API is desired to be the endpoint in the main upload operation, not to be a direct endpoint for any particular app.

Thing is that I can add a custom endpoint for this kind of services, let's say... &endpoint=twitter sends a output response that can be handled by twitter. That could be made but if you need something right now you need to create a midpoint, like a api caller just for twitter, that calls and format the default api response.

I don't think I need something immediately, but if you a future Twitter endpoint is possible that would be great because I don't think I'll be able to create a midpoint on my own, not nearly good enough with php.
