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Any way to manually sort images in album?


Chevereto Member
Hi there folks!

I guess I upset the Gods by posting this Chevereto question in the Chevereto tech support category which got deleted and see that there are Chev-related questions here so I thought I'd give it another shot in the hopes of receiving an answer.

Is there a way to set a manual default sorting of images in an album? For instance, if I have a project album and I need to show it from start of project to finish, when I use the bulk uploader, it's never in the order that I need them to be in.

Is there a way for me to set a manual order for these images or do I need to upload each image one-by-one in the order that I'd like them to be viewed in?

Thanks for your time, fingers crossed I don't anger anyone for asking for help again!
I guess I upset the Gods by posting this Chevereto question in the Chevereto tech support category which got deleted and see that there are Chev-related questions here so I thought I'd give it another shot in the hopes of receiving an answer.
Tickets needs to be approved. I just replied you there.

I'm sorry but there's no manual ordering in Chevereto.
Tickets needs to be approved. I just replied you there.

I'm sorry but there's no manual ordering in Chevereto.
Thank you so much for the reply and I'm sorry for being impatient and not waiting. Is my solution to simply upload one at a time to achieve what I'm wanting?

Thank you again for the gallery and your time!
I need this feature too, and was surprise to find it doesn't exist on Chevereto because is such a basic one - to click and drag it into position. My gallery is growing to be about 100 images and some are out of order, and the only way to fix it would be to delete everything and upload again one by one.
was surprise to find it doesn't exist on Chevereto because is such a basic one
Chevereto listings are for browsing and managing large photo collections, not to display manually ordered galleries. Is all about generating effortless listings for thousand images (or even more). Also, order displayed depends on your screen size as it tries to use the whole display to show pictures. It works on multiple resolutions and it tries to look good at it.

To get manually sorted galleries we need another system for listings, something like "collections" where you can freely order images, perhaps share ownership with other users, etc.
idk. I would think that adding a weight construct, as I suggest here would help with this...

idk the codebase so I could totally be wrong, but I'd think this could (I'd think?) integrate with existing logic to provide a more intuitive ordering control knob...