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Profile email change validation

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💖 Chevereto Fan
In Settings --> User there is a "Require email confirmation" setting that asks for users to validate their email address on sign up. This works fine on sign up.

However, if a member subsequently changes their email address within their profile then they are asked to validate it, even if this setting is disabled.

Is that correct, or is it a bug.

It's a bit annoying because even if an admin changes their email address it still sends the user a validation email when it's not wanted.

Thanks 🙂

Try changing this:
$is_email_required = true;

To this:
$is_email_required = CHV\getSetting('require_user_email_confirmation');

Does it fix the issue for you? As you may notice, the error was that $is_email_required was set to true without caring about the actual setting value.

Change this:
if(!$is_error && !empty($_POST['email']) && !G\timing_safe_compare($user['email'], $_POST['email'])) {

To this:
if(!$is_error && $is_email_required && !empty($_POST['email']) && !G\timing_safe_compare($user['email'], $_POST['email'])) {
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